Saturday, September 17, 2005

Six-year appointments of CTRMA board members violated the Texas Constitution.

Turnpike agency told to pay fees

September 17, 2005

Compiled from staff and wire reports
Austin American-Statesman
Copyright 2005

A district judge has told the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority that it must pay an anti-toll group at least $19,195 for legal expenses resulting from a successful lawsuit filed by the group.

And if the authority appeals the legal fee judgment -- and the agency says it intends to -- it could have to pay an additional $40,000 in legal fees to People for Efficient Transportation, state District Judge Darlene Byrne ruled this week.

That group sued the authority in March, claiming the six-year appointments of board members violated the Texas Constitution. Byrne ruled in July that the longer board terms do violate the Constitution.

The underlying issue could become moot if Texas voters in November approve Proposition 9, a constitutional amendment allowing the longer terms.

Austin American-Statesman:
